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Sam performs Touch Me on Italian TV

Back in September, Samantha Fox was among the international stars performing at the Verona Arena and the show was broadcasted in Italian TV.

G TV performance

 Here are Sam's performance of her hits on G TV last October.

Watch the full Hard Rock Casino performance

Samantha Fox performed in the Hard Rock Casino in Atlantic City on 13th November.

This was her first appearance in 20 years.

Sam's message on Canadian TV

Watch below the lovely video message that Samantha Fox recorded for the Canadian TV show "En Direct De L'Univers".

US Billboard chart history

Back in 1987 and 1988 Samantha Fox had 6 US singles in the prestigious Billboard chart.
Discover the titles and the details in the picture below.

I Only Wanna Be With You @ Mar A Mar in 1991

A great new video from 1991 has surfaced on YouTube to watch Samantha Fox performing her smash hit I Only Wanna Be With You at the Mar A Mar TV show on Canal Sur.

New url for SamFoxItalia

From now on you can reach the SamFoxItalia website at this url: http://samfoxitalia.blogspot.com

Grab your own Sam Fox 2021 calendar

One of the greatest presents you may have received or made is without a doubt the 2021 retro calendar that Samantha Fox made for all her fans.

Haven't you grabbed yours? Then visit the Fox Shop and buy it now. You can also have a personalized message of your birthday day written by Sam in person.

Watch the WizardWorld Experience interview with Samantha Fox

 The wonderful chat Samantha Fox had with WizardWorld last month is available to watch on YouTube.

Get your video message from Samantha Fox with Memmo

Lucky fans in the UK have now the unique chance to request a personalized video message from Samantha Fox in person by requesting it on the newly launched online platform Memmo.

Click here to have all the details from Sam herself.