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Sam Fox at the "We Will Rock You" 10th anniversary party

Samantha Fox and her partner joined yesterday's party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the musical "We Will Rock You".
She could not escape paparazzi who took hundred of pictures, and she also had the time to talk with the press and remember her friend Freddie Mercury.
Read some of the articles published online today by clicking on the following links: Huff Post Entertainment, Daily Mail, Holy Moly.
See more pictures on Contact Music and Rex Features
Here's a short interview on the red carpet for Absolute Radio.


Samantha e la sua compagna hanno preso parte al party di ieri sera per festeggiare il decimo anniversario del musical "We Will Rock You".
Impossibile sfuggire ai paparazzi e ai giornalisti che oggi pubblicano numerose immagini ed articoli sul web.
Alcuni scritti sono disponibili ai link di cui sopra, mentre il video è relativo ad una breve intervista rilasciata ad Absolute Radio sul tappeto rosso.