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New official signed items on Ebay

Do you want to have more signed Sam Fox albums? Then visit her Ebay page and see what she's offering now: after her recently released deluxe editions of "Touch Me", "Samantha Fox", "I Wanna Have Some Fun", "Just One Night" and "21st Century Fox", you can now also buy the 2001 album "Watching Me Watching You".
All of them will be personally signed by Samantha Fox for a limited time only, so don't miss your chance to have these unique items in your collection. 


Se ancora mancano alla vostra collezione gli album di Samantha da lei personalmente autografati, allora visitate la sua pagina di Ebay sulla quale sono in vendita, oltre a "Touch Me", "Samantha Fox", "I Wanna Have Some Fun", "Just One Night" and "21st Century Fox", ora anche il CD del 2001 "Watching Me Watching You".
Tutti questi saranno autografati da Samantha Fox per un periodo limitato. 
Dunque non perdete tempo per aggiudicarvi questi pezzi unici.