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Saffron Sprackling starring in short-film Banana Pearl

Latest news come from Sam's friend Saffron Sprackling (Republica) announcing her role in a new film titled Banana Pearl directed by Ben Simon:

"Banana Pearl is a micro budget 15-minute short Brit-gangster film set in Brighton (UK). Deejay (Russell Turner) and his computer-whiz, acid casualty mate Lenny (Toby Osmond, Kaufman's Game) have 2 hours to crack and deliver an apparently un-crackable code to Champagne Charlie (Saffron Sprackling, Republica), a ruthless local gangster known for her quirky methods of coercion.
If Deejay can keep Lenny off the Banana Pearl (a new strain of super strong Marijuana) and focus on cracking the code, they can both avoid finding out how Champagne Charlie earned her nickname. But just as things are looking up, Deejay & Lenny get an unwelcome visit and events spiral out of control.
Boasting a pumping soundtrack, Banana Pearl is a fast-paced slice of Brit-gangster mayhem in which things aren't always what they seem"

Check the trailer below and also visit www.facebook.com/bananapearl and www.mediabrighton.com for details and updates.


Le ultime notizie arrivano da Saffron Sprackling (Republica), amica e collaboratrice di Sam, in cui si annuncia la sua partecipazione al film Banana Pearl diretto da Ben Simon.
Guardate il trailer e visitate le pagine www.facebook.com/bananapearl e www.mediabrighton.com per ulteriori dettagli e aggiornamenti.